âĢUpgrade Plan via Android/IOS App

Android App

  1. Install application AutoForward for Telegram on Google Play

  1. Open app to Login

To get info login please to bot autoforward on telegram and select Show info account or typing /profile then copy User ID and Token login

  1. After copy info account and back to app and fill info and click Login.

  1. At Home Autoforward click to item Upgrade then select package want join.

  1. Click to Subscribe to pay and please wait few seconds to completed.

  1. Final. if have issue please send screenshot or copy payment info send to admin redf0x1 . thankyou


  1. Install application AutoForward for Telegram on AppStore

  1. Open app installed to Login

To get info login please to bot autoforward on telegram and select Show info account or typing /profile then copy User ID and Token login

  1. After copy info account and back to app and fill info and click Login.

  1. At Home Autoforward click to item Upgrade then select package want join.

  1. Click to Subscribe to pay and please wait few seconds to completed.

  1. Final. if have issue please send screenshot or copy payment info send to admin redf0x1 . thankyou

Last updated