How To Settings For Task
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This is list menu for task settings such as Edit Source Chat, Edit Target Chat or Delete Task or Advanced Configuration and more
Use command to get and access to Task
/settings or /forward
1. After typing the command, select Manage Forwarding Tasks or Show ALL to show all your list Task. 2. Next click a Task you want settings.
Edit Source Chat : Change the current source ids of the task
Edit Target Chat : Change the current target ids of the task
Delete Task: Remove Task
Edit Delay : Specify the delay (in seconds) you'd like between forwarded messages for your task.
Edit Max Time Edit : Specify the maximum time (in seconds) allowed for editing a message in your task.
Advanced Configuration: Config advanced features for task forward
Show Header Forwarder : check ✅ if you want all your messages will be prefixed with "Forwarded from ...".
️➡️ Note: if you turn on the feature Show Header Forwarder then features Reply, Edit, Replace, translate will not work.
Duplicate Filters: check ✅ if you want to block duplicate messages from forwarding.
Replace: click ➡️ if you want to replace word feature to work on this task
Black List: click ➡️ if you want to Allow Blacklist feature to work on this task
White List: click ➡️ if you want to Allow Whitelist feature to work on this task
Filter: click ➡️ if you want to used to filter messages by type feature to work on this task
Cleaner: click ➡️ if you want to clean text, video, photo...etc from message on this task
Filter Users: click ➡️ if you want to Allow Whitelist users id feature to work on this task
Scheduler Power On/Off click ➡️ if you want to schedule on/off task
Auto Post Scheduler click ➡️ if you want to schedule auto forward post last on task
Translate Language click ➡️ if you want translate a post message to language other
Crypto Filters click ➡️ if you only want receive crypto address
Process To Raw Text click ➡️ if you only want receive raw post
Convert Buttons To Text click ➡️ if you want convert post contain button to text
Add Header: click it if you want add header text before every message on this task
Add Footer: click it if you want add footer text after every message on this task
Reply: check ✅ if you want to properly process replies Note, if you enable the "Show Header Forwarder" feature, the reply function will not work, it will be sent as a new message by default.
Edit: check ✅ if you want to edit messages if they got edited in the SOURCE_ID If check 🚫 then All edit message from SOURCE_ID will not be edited on your TARGET_ID and will sent as new messages
Delete: check ✅ if you want to remove messages if they got removed in the SOURCE_ID Note, if you enable the "Show Header Forwarder" feature, the delete function will not work