🔴Blacklist: Create And Management

You can set a list of words or regex patterns which tells the bot that if the message received from source channel has any of the blacklisted words or regex pattern match the bot should ignore that message and do not process it even if it passes all other conditions.

Important Information

  • Using Simple Syntax will match words partially. This means that when you blacklist the word "es", it will block every message containing best, rest, test because each of them have the word "es" within.

  • If you want to match words fully, please use the regex example

  • Make sure to use the Python Flavor with regex101.com otherwise your regex will not work on Auto Forward Telegram

Create new blacklist

1. Basic Command

/blacklist [ACTION] [LABEL] [WORD_LIST]

Command Information

  • ACTION is add or remove

  • LABEL is the nickname you want to define for your Blacklist.

  • Do not use number for LABEL.

  • WORD_LIST is list word you want use as whitelist. Check Example

❇ī¸ Example ❇ī¸

➡ī¸ This will not send all messages containing the word copyright /blacklist add black1 copyright

➡ī¸ This will not send all messages containing the word copyright or DMCA /blacklist add black1 copyright,DMCA

➡ī¸ Remove word list with label black1 /blacklist remove black1

➡ī¸ Show all list Blacklist /blacklist showall

🛑 Note: Blacklist takes precedence over whitelist if both are defined.

3. Advanced Command with regex ( Only Platinum)

/blacklist [ACTION] [LABEL]_regex [WORD_LIST]

Command Information

  • ACTION is add or remove

  • LABEL is the nickname you want to define for your Blacklist.

  • Do not use number for LABEL.

  • To create Blacklist advance with regex please add LABEL suffix is _regex

  • WORD_LIST is list word you want use as whitelist. Check Tab Example

Use the syntax as shown below when you want to achive result that is not possible with the simple syntax. This syntax uses regex to search for words and its more powerful than Simple Syntax.

We do not support usage of regex, you are on your own if you decide to use regex. Only use it if you know what you are doing.

When using regex for spaces please add a \ character in front or use \s+

❇ī¸ Example ❇ī¸

➡ī¸ Block messages only if it has the any @mention word on it. /blacklist add black1_regex @\S+

➡ī¸ Block messages only if it has any "telegram links" /blacklist add black2_regex (telegram.me|t.me)/\w+ ➡ī¸ Block messages only if it has the word black or white

/blacklist add black3_regex (black|white)

  • black and white : The words black and white are two words you want block if have one or both

  • In case you want to block more, you can add more |red|blue in regex

➡ī¸ Block messages only if it has the word es fully ( refer to Important Information )

/blacklist add black4_regex \bes\b

➡ī¸ Block messages only if it has the word word1 and word2 fully (refer to Important Information) /blacklist add black5_regex ^(?=.\bwork1\b)(?=.\bwork2\b).*$

  • work1 and work2 : The words work1 and work2 are two words you want to block if have both in the content

  • In case you want to match more, you can add more (?=.\bwork3\b)(?=.\bwork4\b) in regex

* When add blacklist is ^(?=.\bwork1\b)(?=.\bwork2\b).*$ it will only block messages have contain work1 and work2 like:
  "I have work1 to do and work2 as well."
  "work1 and work2 are both important."
  "work2 is harder than work1."
* Will continue forward if not have both work1 and work2 or only have work1 or work2 like:
  "Only work1 is left."
  "work2 is complete"
  "Nothing to do here."

4. Filters User use Blacklist ( Only Platinum Plan)

The blacklist feature allows you to block or ignore messages from specific users. By adding users to a Blacklist using their USER_ID or USER_NAME, you can ensure that messages from these users will not be forwarded.

  1. To use this feature, you'll first need to find the User ID of the users you want to blacklist. Follow these steps:

    • Go to the chat where you want to receive messages from specific users.

    • Use the command /getid in the chat.

    • Note down the User ID that appears. You can then add this User ID to your blacklist.

Note: To use the /getid command, please make sure you are using a Telegram account that is connected to the AutoForward Telegram Bot.

  1. Next, use the following syntax to create filters based on the blacklist of users:

/blacklist [ACTION] [LABEL]_user [USER_ID1,USER_ID2,...,USERNAME1,USERNAME2,...]


  • [ACTION]: The action you want to take (e.g., add, remove, or list).

  • [LABEL]_user: The label you assign to this blacklist (e.g., block_user, spam_user).

  • [USER_ID1,USER_ID2,...]: A list of User IDs.

  • [USERNAME1,USERNAME2,...]: A list of Usernames.

  • You can mix User IDs and Usernames in the same command.

Example Usage:

  • Block multiple users to a blacklist using their User IDs:

    /blacklist add spam_user 12345678,87654321,23456789
  • Block multiple users to a blacklist using their Usernames:

    /blacklist add blocked_user johndoe,janedoe,alice123
  • Block users to a blacklist using both User IDs and Usernames:

    /blacklist add unwanted_user 12345678,johndoe,87654321,alice123
  • Block a single user to a blacklist using a User ID:

    /blacklist add blocked_user 98765432
  • Block a single user to a blacklist using a Username:

    /blacklist add spam_user janedoe

This flexibility allows you to manage your blacklist efficiently, accommodating both User IDs and Usernames as needed.

Apply/Deactivate Blacklist for a Task

1. From Auto Forward Messages BOT typing command /blacklist to show list blacklist

2. From your list blacklist choose item blacklist you want apply. Then choose will goto detail blacklist

3. At detail blacklist will show all your task forward

4. Now you can click to task will apply or click Apply To All task if want apply for all

Describe Status

Normal status is Deactivate

✅ is status Activate


Create new blacklist

Last updated