Auto Forward Messages has a free version ?

Once your Auto Forward Telegram period expires, the free package will become available as an option for you to choose.

With @Auto_Forward_Messages_Bot you can use it for free or pay if you want.

Here are the features available in the Free Package:

✅ Sponsored Ads

✅ Limit create 3 Forward Tasks

One forward Tasks means that you create an auto forward from Channels/Grousp/Users to Your Channels/Groups/Users

✅ Each Forward Task limit 3 IDs include 1 SOURCE_CHAT_ID and 2 TARGET_CHAT_ID

Limit IDs mean is when create a task forward only can enter limit 3 Channels/Groups/Users ID will auto forward
/forward add work1 ID1 -> ID4,ID5

✅ Unlimited messages sent in forwarding missions

✅ ON/OFF Show Forward Header

✅ Free until death

🟡 Use low configuration server

🟡 Often overloaded and lost connection

đŸšĢ Can't forward to Bots

đŸšĢ Can't edit, delete, reply message same source chat

đŸšĢ Can't use premium feature

❇ī¸ Recommendation: For best performance and uninterrupted work use premium plans

If you want more advanced features, use the /upgrade command to view package details.

If you have any questions, let me know.

Last updated