✅Whitelist: Create And Management

You can set a list of words or regex patterns that tell the bot to process message you receive from source channel only if it has at least one of the whitelisted word or regex pattern match. Make sure to use the right syntax by reading the examples below.

Important Information

  • Using Simple Syntax will match words partially. This means that when you whitelist the word "es", it will allow every message containing best, rest, test because each of them have the word "es" within.

  • If you want to match words fully, please use the regex example

  • Make sure to use the Python Flavor with regex101.com otherwise your regex will not work on

  • When this command is used incorrectly, it will cause redirections to stop working. Always make sure you use the right syntax when using whitelist and do use regex only if necessary. Make sure you build your regex with regex101.com before inserting them into Auto Forward Bot.

â›ŗī¸ Create New Whitelist

1. Basic Command

/whitelist [ACTION] [LABEL] [WORD_LIST]

2. Whitelist use USER_ID or USER_NAME Command ( Only Platinum)

/whitelist [ACTION] [LABEL]_user [USER_ID,USER_NAME]


  • Set Label Name must have a suffix is _user

  • You can add multiple whitelists separated by ,

Example: You want whitelist User have username is https://t.me/zinREAL, https://t.me/mark and User have id is 410995490

/whitelist add group1_user zinREAL,410995490,mark

3. Advanced Command with regex ( Only Platinum)

/whitelist [ACTION] [LABEL]_regex [WORD_LIST]

Command Information

  • ACTION is add or remove

  • LABEL is the nickname you want to define for your Whitelist.

  • Do not use number for LABEL.

  • To create whitelist advance with regex please add LABEL suffix is _regex

  • WORD_LIST is list word you want use as whitelist. Check Tab Example

4. Combined many Words or Expression regex ( Only Platinum)

/whitelist [ACTION] [LABEL]_regex [WORD_LIST] ==AND== [WORD_LIST]

Command Information

  • ACTION is add or remove

  • LABEL is the nickname you want to define for your Whitelist.

  • Do not use number for LABEL.

  • To create whitelist advance with regex please add LABEL suffix is _regex

  • WORD_LIST or Expression regex is list word or expression regex you want use as whitelist.

  • ==AND== is the conditional keyword (required)

  • Example

    • ➡ī¸ Process messages only if it has the words black and white /whitelist add whiteAndBlack_regex black==AND==white

      ➡ī¸ Process messages only if it has the word vip1 and vip2 and (vip3 or vip4) /whitelist add vip_regex vip1==AND==vip2==AND==(vip3|vip4)

✅ Apply/Deactivate Whitelist for a Task

1. From Auto Forward Messages BOT Choose Task you want Apply

2. Select 🔐 Advanced Configuration from Menu Setting

3. Select Whitelist from Menu Advanced Configuration to show list Whitelist

4. Click a your Whitelist you want to Activate or Deactivate for Task

Describe Status

đŸšĢ is status Deactivated

✅ is status Activated

✅ Apply/Disable Whitelist for All Task

When Apply All Whitelist for Task will won't activate for each single task

Use Command /whitelist after select Show All Whitelist

⭕ī¸ Remove All Whitelist

Use Command /whitelist after select Remove All Whitelist

Last updated