🔮Content Analysis support for feature Replace

The bot is designed to analyze the display of content containing links, bold text, and italic text and convert it to raw content. this is tools support for feature replace

When to use bots?

  • When your content contain link

  • When your content contain style like bold, italic,..

Here are a few problems why you can't replace content when you add command

What problem does the bot help solve?

For example, if inputs the message contain link

➡️Read at link Click here

The bot will identify the link in the message and convert it to raw content:

➡️Read at link <a href="https://autoforwardtelegram.com/">Click here</a>

For example other, if inputs the message contain style bold, italic

Autoforward Hello

the bot will identify the link in the message and convert it to raw content:

<b>Autoforward</b> Hello

How to use it?

  1. From Telegram open bot https://t.me/GetDetail_Bot and click START

  1. Next. copy content you want convert.

Example: ➡️Read at link Click here

  1. Next to use for replacement we will use content after convert.

This is example remove content contain link. we comeback bot https://t.me/Auto_Forward_Messages_Bot and enter command

/replace add rp_link ➡️Read at link <a href="https://autoforwardtelegram.com/">Click here</a> -> EMPTY

or you too can replace a link other

/replace add rp_link ➡️Read at link <a href="https://autoforwardtelegram.com/">Click here</a> -> ➡️Read at link <a href="https://redfox-capital.com/">Click here</a>

Similar to content is bold, italic

We comeback bot https://t.me/Auto_Forward_Messages_Bot and enter command

/replace add rp_content Hello <b>Auto Forward <i>Messeages</i></b> -> Hi Auto Forward

Thankyou. if have any question contact

Last updated