
This menu is used to filter messages by type. Using it will tell BOT which messages you want to process and which ones to ignore

Follow these steps

  1. Type /settings on Auto Forward Telegram BOT.

  2. Click Manage Forwarding Task to show list your Task.

  3. Select task you want use Filters.

  4. Next click Advanced Configuration to can access the setup task forward.

  5. Finally the Filters Menu will show up and you can proceed by clicking on it

  • Document: check ✅ if you want to ignore document messages

  • Video: check ✅ if you want to ignore video messages

  • Audio: check ✅ if you want to ignore audio messages

  • Sticker: check ✅ if you want to ignore sticker messages

  • Text: check ✅ if you want to ignore messages that contain text

  • Forwards: check ✅ if you want to ignore "Forwarded from" messages

  • Photos: check ✅ if you want to ignore photo messages

  • Polls: check ✅ if you want to ignore poll messages

  • Voice: check ✅ if you want to ignore voice messages

  • Animation(GIFS): check ✅ if you want to ignore animation messages

  • Video note: check ✅ if you want to ignore video note

  • Reply: check ✅ if you want to ignore reply messages

  • Link: check ✅ if you want to ignore link messages

  • Buttons: check ✅ if you want to ignore button messages

  • Photos without Text: check ✅ if you want to ignore post Photo without Text

  • Without Username: check ✅ if you want to ignore post of Users Without Username on Telegram (ONLY FOR GROUP)

  • Album: check ✅ if you want ignore post Album media

Last updated