Add Header / Footer
Last updated
Last updated
You can add a header or footer for each post when forward to channels target
Follow these steps
Type /settings on Auto Forward Telegram BOT.
Click Manage Forwarding Task to show list your Task.
Select task you want add Header or Footer.
Next click Advanced Configuration to can access the setup task forward.
Finally the Add Header or Add Footer âĄī¸
Enter content you want show with some options
đ Some formats you can refer to:
âĄī¸ Enter EMPTY if you don't want to show the header.
âĄī¸ \n if you want break line.
âĄī¸ \t if you want spaces.
âĄī¸ [[ORIGIN_USERNAME]] if you want to show the sender username
âĄī¸ [[ORIGIN_USERID]] if you want to show the sender userid
âĄī¸ [[ORIGIN_TEXT]] if you want to show original content.
âĄī¸ [[ORIGIN_NAME]] if you want to show the sender name or name original channel.
âĄī¸ [[ORIGIN_POST_ID]] if you want show Post ID origin.
âĄī¸ [[ORIGIN_CHAT_ID]] if you want show CHAT ID origin.
âĄī¸ [[ORIGIN_QUOTED_TEXT]] if you want to display the original post's QUOTED TEXT.
âĄī¸ [[ORIGIN_NAME_URL]] if you want to show the original link.
âĄī¸ [[FROM_USER]] if you want to show the username of sender.
âĄī¸ [[SOURCE_NAME]] if you want to show forward source name.
âĄī¸ [[SENDER_CHAT]] if you want to show name display of sender.
âĄī¸ [[FORWARD_FROM_CHAT]] if you want to show message owner name
âĄī¸ [[ORIGIN_POST_DATE]] if you want to show post date created
âĄī¸ [[ORIGIN_DESCRIPTION]] if you want to show description of channel or group
âī¸ Add Header with format as
Content: [[ORIGIN_TEXT]]
From channel: [[ORIGIN_NAME]]
âĄī¸ Result after forward content "Hello":
Content: Hello
From channel: Source chat test 2
ID: 4232
CHAT_ID: 1656164752